Harvest Seeds & Native Plants Nursery | Australian Native Plant Nursery Sydney

Australian native plant nursery supplying plants, seeds, & tube stock to wholesale and retail customers. We also supply native bush foods.

How to plant tubestock

Why plant Forestry Tube stock

The NSW Forestry Commission conducted trials in the 1950’s to ascertain what was the best size tube or pot to plant out native species in our forests for optimum survival.

It was found that forestry tubes (50mm x 120mm) were the plants that survived the best and they also outgrew the plants that were planted out from 150mm to 200mm pot sizes.

The reason is that the roots were deep enough and the plants were small enough to start coping on their own as they required a lot less water. The 150mm and 200mm pots had too many roots and too much growth for plants to survive on their own as they required much more water. Even when all sizes received optimum water, the forestry tube stock grew faster than the larger plants. Again, the forestry roots became used to their new home much quicker than the bigger plants.

How to plant in the ground

The garden needs to be free from weeds and mulched with a leafy, not too barky mulch to about 50mm. If so, away you go and dig a hole about the same size as the tube. If not, do remember it’s all in the preparation. If you have a nice home for plants, they will grow beautifully.

Up-end the tube, squeeze the sides and the bottom. Then give it a sharp tap down onto something solid with the top edge of tube to remove the plant.

Do not disturb the roots in any way.

Place the plant into the hole and lightly firm it into the hole. Do not cover the soil further up the stem than it has been in the tube.

Water your plant well. Keep watering..... say every 4 days for about 3 weeks or so (depending on time of year and rain patterns).

Rule of thumb, green or not!..... If the soil is dry about 2 inches down (thumb length), water the plant.... and remember to water thoroughly or not at all. You don’t want the roots hanging around near to the top of the soil which will occur if you only water lightly. The plant will tell you if it needs fertilizing if the leaves start turning a little yellow. Usually they are perfectly happy if planted into their native soil.

Remember to prune the shrubs every six months or so if needs be. The aim is to have a happy, bushy plant, not leggy and scrappy. You can often nip the tops of the bush like a possum to keep the plant bushy or cut back by one third like a wallaby does, if the plant has become leggy.

Harvest Education Sessions — Twilight Series


Ready to get your hands dirty and your garden flourishing? Join us for a series of educational sessions designed to inspire and inform. Whether you’re starting your first garden or looking to refine your green thumb, our expert-led sessions are perfect for you!

Native Bees with Simon — Friday 7 February 4:30-6pm

Bushfoods Top 10 with Ross — Friday 21 February 4:30-6pm

Garden Design for Beginners with Tash — Friday 14 March 4:30-6pm

Weeds ID & Control Techniques with Marita — Friday 21 March 4:30-6pm

Birdscaping your Garden with Ross — Friday 28 March 4:30-6pm

Q&A Your Questions Answered with Panel — Friday 4 April 4:30-6pm


Friday 7 February 2025 - Friday 4 April 2025 (UTC+11)


Harvest Seeds & Native Plants
281 Mona Vale Road Terrey Hills, Sydney New South Wales 2084
